Tuesday, 6 February 2007

kitchen progress

Here are some picture of the progress so far. I confess I forgot to take a picture before we started ripping everything out, but here's one I found from the estate agent's advert when we bought the house. Notice the beautiful shade of blue and the original 1970s retro oven and cupboards. Fortunately, you can't see the mould, and you definitely wouldn't want to know what it looks like behind the oven (or down the side of it for that matter).

And here's that same kitchen but with nothing in it (except for a beautifully tiled floor).

Here's Anna painting.

Phil (Anna's sister's husband - all very confusing) has been doing all the work for us, and has now put in the base units and a section of worktop. He and LJ live in Aylesbury, which is about an hour and a half away, but he's staying with us while he does the work, sleeping on the air bed in our spare room.

This evening we painted some of the skirting and the door frame. I also assembled one of the wall cupboards last night in the small amount of floor space left in the living room, which I was rather proud of. However, as Anna also needed this space to cook another great microwave and steamer combination meal, she wasn't so impressed.

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